MAT 578 -- Topology II 
Course Information

Professor: D. Bradley
Office: 322 Neville Hall 
Hours: 2:00-2:50 p.m. MWF* 
Phone: (207) 581-3920


This course is a continuation of MAT 577 (Topology I). As such, we will be reinforcing many of the concepts and topics of MAT 577 as well as forging ahead with new material in the study of point-set and algebraic topology. Grades will be assigned on the basis of in-class participation and successful completion of assignments.

Students who will profit:

Anyone contemplating the pursuit of an advanced degree in a subject with technical requirements in higher mathematics.
Time and Location: MWF 11:00 - 11:50 a.m. 421 Neville Hall.

Text: James R. Munkres, Topology, (2th ed.) Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000.


I plan to cover many of the following topics, and possibly others as time and class interest dictate.

*Of course, you are welcome to drop by the office any time, or make an appointment.